
Brave RX

Reinforce your Energy Ops and be certain that all your energy systems are covered.

Our sophisticated suite of products, together with our excellent service, provides you with all the cover that you need. Protect your bottom line with Brave RX, the only Australian energy retail software product range dedicated to resolving revenue leakage long-term.

The whole software range

Dive into the RX suite

RX Gateway

Automate friction points

RX Gateway empowers you to manage complex regulatory requirements and mitigate risks while gaining efficiency and customer satisfaction by automating mandatory and critical market processes.

RX Billing

Increase your billing speed and accuracy

Designed for the unique challenges faced by Australian energy retailers, our powerful billing engine helps you stay flexible in a changing market and supported as your business grows.

RX Meter Data

Have certainty when processing core data

In such a heavily data-driven world, we know that you are reliant on correct data interacting with your system in order to remain compliant and serve your customers.

RX Standing Data

Create data confidence

With complex integrated systems, standing data can easily become out of sync, causing hundreds of hours of rework and putting you at regulatory risk.

RX Protect

Protect your bottom line

Processes that produce energy consumption invoices are complex – often with many interdependencies. It is almost impossible, even in the most mature of businesses, to avoid processing exceptions. RX Protect changes that.

RX Calculate

Automatically calculate your best available offer

We regularly hear that Government ‘Best Offer’ requirements add an unreasonable red tape burden and increase administrative overheads with no net gain on the bottom line. Avoid the cost sink and regulatory risk with RX Calculate.

Call us today & talk to a member of the brave crew to find out how we can help you.